Embodying Courage Class Registration

Use the forms below to register for individual classes

We are offering 3 different sliding scale rates for each class:
$0 – $10 – $25 – $50

To receive these discounts use these coupon codes on the registration page:
$0 = slidingscalefree
$10 = slidingscale10
$25 = slidingscale25
$50 = No code needed.
purchase the full Embodying Courage Journey for
$99.50 per month for 2 months for a total of $199

Click the “Have a Coupon” link below to enter your desired cost.

To purchase more than one class, register and login to your first class and then return to this page and register for your additional classes. Repeating the sequence for each additional class.

Week 1 – FREE Class

Getting Grounded

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Week 2

Transform Fear to Courage

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Week 3

Expressing Anger, Opening to Forgiveness

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Week 4

Releasing Sadness into Surrender

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Week 5

Cultivating Joy to Generosity

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Week 6 Part 2

Leading with Compassion

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Week 6 Part 1

The Art of Compassionate Boundaries

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Week 7

Being Warrior

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Week 8

Sacred Purpose

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Entire Series

Embodying Courage 8-Week Journey

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