Leading for Inclusivity and Change Summit
Today’s workplace requires all of us to be leaders in our own right. Develop the self-awareness and confidence in yourself to promote inclusivity and positive change at your organization by attending our leadership summit. Our sessions include “How to Be a Conscious and Inclusive Leader” with Carley Hauck and “How to Lead the Way to Picture-Perfect Change” with Jonathan Michael Bowman.
How to Be a Conscious and Inclusive Leader with Carley Hauck
There is a dawn of a new leadership era emerging. We are wanting a deeper sense of place, belonging and purpose that is beyond the superficial, materialism and individualism. People of every generation are being beckoned into a new way, a new mindset, and a new operating model in which we can bring our whole and best selves to work and the world. We are in a pivotal time of change, and it will require each one of us to transform individually and then together.
When we cultivate the inner game qualities of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, resilience, love, well-being and authenticity, we can be the change and positively influence our workplaces and world to support the flourishing of people and planet.
With all the changes and uncertainty in our world, it is more important than ever to cultivate and level up our “inner game” so we can be the change we wish to see. We have big problems like climate change, a worldwide pandemic and constantly changing landscapes in business, and we will be required to have the inner resources to meet these complexities. Learn how to level up your inner game and bring your whole and best self to the world. The inner game is the core of who you are. These are the qualities on the inside that determine how you show up on the outside at work, with your family, friends and colleagues.
All leadership begins with self-leadership and self-management. We must do the inner work to cultivate a strong inner game that will then support the collective transformation of greater empathy, compassion, healing and belonging. Join us and learn how to be a conscious and inclusive leader at work and in the world!
How to Lead the Way to Picture Perfect Change with Jonathan Michael Bowman
Have you ever wanted to create a new department or enhance the quality of your team’s work? Change can be difficult for anybody. Leading change can be even more difficult and—at times—seemingly impossible. This seminar will teach attendees change-leadership principles that every organizational leader should know.
In this energetic and content-rich presentation, you will learn how to lead the way to successful— “picture-perfect” —change. Drawing examples from real leadership situations, Jonathan will teach and inspire you to ignite your team to achieve dynamic results. You will learn how to set a vision of change, achieve buy-in and lead the way to capture your vision
- 1:00 – 2:45 p.m.: How to Be a Conscious and Inclusive Leader with Carley Hauck
- 2:45 – 3:00 p.m. Break
- 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.: How to Lead the Way to Picture Perfect Change with Jonathan Michael Bowman
PDCs: 3
Member: $79 on or before April 13, 2021 / $99 starting April 14
Non-member: $109 on or before April 13, 2021 / $129 starting April 14
-Login Information: The login URL is located on the PDF of your email confirmation receipt.
-Closed Captioning: If you require closed captioning, please first register for the event and notify gina.ayllon@shrm.org and wendy.fong@shrm.org at least three business days in advance.
-Registering More Than One Attendee: Each attendee must login their own individual customer account, whether member or non-member, to register.