You are worthy of love

Today is Valentines Day, a hallmark holiday in the United States, but celebrated all over the world. It is a celebration of love and affection. What the world needs right now is MORE love, generosity, and kindness.

In order to give love, generosity, and kindness with abandon and real sincerity, we need to recognize that we are worthy of love, generosity, and kindness first.

It is not selfish, but an essential to acknowledge your own worthiness. No one is every going to give you the love, care, affection, or acceptance that you need and want, when you need and want it. Soooo…you give it to yourself dear one.

Today, I want to share a small mantra and meditation that has been part of my daily practice for the last decade.

Are you ready…

​​​​​​​Self Love Meditation

Place a hand on your chest and one hand on your belly.
Close your eyes.…