How to succeed even when you have slipped…

How to turn a slip into success!

We are 3 weeks into the New Year. How is it going? I know at this time of the year, some of you might just be identifying what you want to learn and grow in 2015, while some of you started off with a bang and may have had a slip along the way. No matter, where you are or where you started, it is inevitable that along the way, you will slip.

This is what I want you to remember… No matter how bad you think your slip is, it does NOT mean failure.

Slips are normal and they give us an opportunity to course correct, learn, and grow.

5 steps for turning slips into success:

1) What was your trigger before you slipped? I was tired, frustrated, bored, someone put doughnuts on my desk, it was cold and I didn’t want to go to the gym…

2) What was your behavior after the trigger?