The Power of Forgiveness During Shelter in Place

More time at home may be an opportunity to connect with loved ones—or it could bring up emotional wounds that have yet to be healed. Here are three mindful practices to forgive ourselves and others.

With less freedom and more family members at home together during this time due to shelter in place, the circumstances may be creating more tension than meaningful connection. For some, this additional time together may be bringing greater intimacy, care, and empathy, but for others, it may be adding salt to a resentment wound that has yet to be healed. In trying times, we can use whatever arises as a path for practice.

As we prepare to slowly re-open our workplaces in the next few weeks, it feels like a very important time to ask ourselves, “How do I want to show up right now as a leader, partner, friend, coworker, and member of my family?”… READ MORE...