Do you need a life re-set?
I hope you had a wonderful summer. This was one of the more joyful summers I have spent in a long time and at the same time very full. I live on the West Coast and have for the last 15 years, but all of my close family is on the East Coast (New Jersey, Philly, and FL). I was fortunate to visit them. Personally and professionally there has been a bit of travel amongst all the other tasks and responsibilities on my plate and it was beginning to feel like “too much.” This weekend I took a BIG pause and spent 2 days with much less technology, I caught up on sleep, ate really clean (meaning I had less caffeine and sugar in the form of dark chocolate), did some singing, dancing, and more meditating, spent time with friends, and came back into center.
Even I who knows what it takes to be healthy, flourishing, and well can get lost in the information overload, the fast pace of life, the desiring, fixing, and comparing mind, and the future planning vs.… READ MORE...