When Ordinary People Become Extraordinary People with Lynne Twist

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On this powerful interview of the Shine Podcast, I am joined by one of my favorite friends and mentors, Lynne Twist. Lynne is my only return guest to the podcast, and has joined me today to discuss what happens when ordinary people become extraordinary people. We speak about the current dissolution of our workplace and world, and how we can transition from leading with greed and fear to leading with generosity and love. Lynne’s new book Living a Committed Life- Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger than Yourself points people to powerful stories, questions, and inspiration to rise into leadership.  Together we consider the importance of acting now with courage and intention so we can change the trajectory of our fate based on how we show up in our lives today. If you have ever wondered what you can do to align your values with impact and lasting change around some of the larger problems in our world, I am confident that this interview will inspire the answers you have been seeking.