How to be courageous in relationship

“A true relationship is two imperfect people unwilling to give up on each other.”

It’s a profound—and paradoxical—truth that courage isn’t really courage at all unless there’s some fear attached to it. It is the holiday season and at this time of year, we often have more interaction with friends and family whom we may not connect with as much. Therefore, when our way of being and views is different than others, this can create conflict and challenge, and thus a loss in connection. This post will share with you how to lean in and be courageous to establish closer relationships with loved ones this holiday season and New Year.

Even though most of us deeply want more feelings of connection and intimacy, we do a lot of safe guarding because of fear.

We typically have two main fears in relationship:
1) suffocation
2) abandonment

Most of us fear love as much as we want love.… READ MORE...

How to Change a Habit for Good

How mindfulness and a rewarding routine can help us develop good habits that last.

Do you have a habit that you can’t change no matter what you have tried? For the last decade, I have worked as a teacher, coach, and consultant with companies. The subject of what drives and sustains change internally and socially fascinates me. I can say with absolute confidence that I know the steps to change a habit for good. These four tried and tested steps all start with the M word, Mindfulness.

Step 1: Mindfulness

What are habits? Habits are behaviors that become automatic because they have been performed frequently in the past. This repetition or automaticity creates a mental association between the situation (cue) and action (behavior).

Automaticity is the opposite of mindfulness. Research suggests that 45% of our behaviors are repeated almost daily (1).

Mindfulness is paying attention in the present moment. When mindfulness is present, we can see our thoughts, feelings, motivations, reactions, and responses with greater clarity and wisdom.… READ MORE...

Compassionate Boundaries: How to Say No with Heart

How to get your needs met in a way that considers all parties with kindness.

Do you have a pattern of saying yes to others, but then feeling resentful later on? Do you believe that you must come to the aid of others and often give to get?

You are not alone.

Many of us have developed a belief that we must be nice, pleasing, or helpful to the exclusion of our own feelings and needs in order to be worthy of love or appreciation. This belief is, of course, not true and furthermore an impossible goal to meet. When we give to get, we can often end up feeling angry and as a result we don’t create healthy boundaries at home and work.

At the beginning of the year, I was presenting to a group of 100 employees on the topic of increasing resilience to stress. During the seminar, I asked employees what was causing stress in their lives.… READ MORE...