Gain power over your cravings today!

Gain power over your cravings

We have cravings for many things, food, sex, new shoes, play, etc. We gain power over our cravings, by training the mind. Yep, it all comes back to mindfulness. 🙂

Four ways to work with cravings.

  1. Learn to Pause. By learning how to be mindful of what we are hungry for we can then train the mind to notice, but not automatically react based on habitual patterns. In other words, we can notice we have desire for the cookie, but not just eat it.
  2. Get enough sleep. It has been found by research that we aren’t able to make the best choices around food when we are sleep deprived. I would also include that we are more irritable, have less ability to concentrate and focus, and our overall capacities for our life are diminished when we have less sleep. (
  3. Learn to label your feelings.

How to regain trust once it has been broken?

Daring to Trust…

In my personal life and the life of my clients and students the theme of this month that is appearing is daring to trust. In the next few weeks, I will be focusing on some writing and personal sharing about…

  • What is trust?
  • How did we develop trust from our early childhood years?
  • How to listen to our feelings and needs to establish trust within ourselves.
  • How to regain trust once its been broken.

Its going to be a juicy and empowering month. I hope what I share is helpful to you. Lets jump into the love pool.

What is Trust?

The American Heritage Dictionary defines trust as “a firm and hopeful reliance on the fidelity, integrity, or ability of a person or thing.”

Trust is therefore a reliance on reliability. The reliability element, however is based on our perception or expectation and may not be forthcoming or lasting when push comes to shove.… READ MORE...

How to be vulnerable and increase your courage

Be Courageous

I hope you are enjoying Spring. This month, I have been focusing on the theme of trust. Last week, I was writing on how we can “rewire our brain so that we can trust our own voice and thus our power.”


Trust and Truth go hand in hand, while fear and lying share a connection too.

Trust requires an ongoing commitment to truthfulness in communication.
Trust and truth can usually only form out of authentic intimacy with another.

Fear is a feeling that arises because we don’t feel safe. We lie to cover up our fears of not being loved, accepted, or protected. When we lie, we cover up what is really true.

Some common reasons we lie:

  • To get what we want
  • To hide the truth
  • To save ourselves from embarrassment
  • To hide our feelings
  • To make a fool of someone
  • To justify our behavior

Fear is linked to our survival instinct, so in our bodies it can feel very real.… READ MORE...