What flavor is your anger

What flavor is your anger?

Since my last post on feelings and specifically anger, I have been exploring the different types of anger. When mindfulness is present, I am able to observe the various flavors of anger that arise and pass. We often have a tendency to push away difficult feelings, suppress, and push down, but what we resist, persists. Expressing our anger may have had unpleasant outcomes. For example, we may have been shamed or told, “young ladies and gentleman are seen, but never heard” so we don’t allow ourself to feel anger. I have been a person who has had some fear of anger, but in my repression of it and not giving it space, it leaked out in other harmful ways. We don’t need to fear anger. Instead give it space and get to know all its flavors so that you can use it consciously.

“Usually when people are sad, they don’t do anything.

Resilience for Clinicians

November 11th ~ UC Berkeley ~ Promoting Resilience in Your Professional Practice

Where do adults find the inner strength necessary to propel themselves forward on the path of life, regardless of setbacks, stressors and constant change? The answer can be found in resilience. How you greet and embrace the challenges in life can make all the difference in who you become. Where it comes from—and how to acquire more of it—is the essence of this professional training. In this one-day workshop, you learn practical skills to help you support clients facing various physical and emotional challenges (e.g., eating disorders, mood disorders, adolescence and chemical dependency) and help them move from a rigid to a more resilient mindset. Through a review of case studies and experiential exercises, you learn strategies to develop sustainable practices.