I am a truth teller. I always have been and I always will be.
What do I mean when I say I am a truth teller?
I see the the light and dark in others and the world. I can see it and hold it with a large ocean of compassion.
When I was younger the sharing of my truth was clumsy. I repressed my true feelings, needs, and knowing. Much of the time I wasn’t even in touch with what my truth really was because I was so outward focused and disconnected from myself.
Does this sound familiar?
At the age of 19, I found meditation, the dharma (defined as truth) and the phenomenal practice of turning inward. For the last 20 years, I have been committed to the practice of meditation which has enabled me to see the truth in myself and others more clearly.
My path to truth has been deep listening towards myself and others, honoring what I hear, embodying my No and Yes in action, and from this place I can more easily know and share my truth.
The last few workshops and offerings I have been invited to speak on this fall were on the topic of reclaiming ones voice and initiating courageous conversations. Earlier in October I gave my first keynote on this subject. YES! This past weekend I supported a women’s empowerment retreat at a farm in Mendocino, CA with a similar topic. Both of these experiences were very powerful and I have a few tidbits I wanted to share with you.
Embodying Your Yes and No
Have you ever had the experience where you wanted to say No, but instead you said Yes?
Imagine an experience where this happened recently. Go back in time and give yourself permission to say No. Say it out loud. Is it a little No, a Big No? Where does the No live in your body? Your chest, your hands, your belly, etc.
Honor your No fully
Now, lets change the situation. Imagine a time when you didn’t acknowledge your Yes. You really wanted to go to a certain event or really wanted something that might have been different from those around you but thought something like this, “Eh, I don’t really need this and its easier to be pleasing or get along with the group so I am not going to share what I really feel and want.”
Flip it.
Identify something in your life you really want right now? It is a big freaking YES!
Now say the Yes aloud. How do you express your YES in your body? Do you bring your hands up in the air as you say Yes! Lift your head to the sky and yell it, or shake your body as you say yes with giggles and excitement.
Find the movement for your yes.
Where does the Yes live in your body?
Honor and embody your No and your Yes.
When we say no, we are believing in the abundance of the universe and that my love and talents are meant for someone and something else.
When we say no, we give our yes so much more power.
Sometimes it can require space and turning inward to get in touch with your true yes and no.
Give yourself this time by simply saying, “Can I get back to you on that? or I am not yet sure.”
When we align our time and energy with what is true in our mind, body and heart, the more easily we bring our talents and strengths to the world because we know what we are most meant to offer. Heck YES! 🙂