In the world right now, there are are many feelings of that we are all experiencing due to the uncertainty of what is to come by the change of the new US president elect. Like in many countries around the world, there is a clear divide around beliefs and values. As a woman who lives in the United States and doing the work that I do, I have seen and felt this divide clearly and now it is very much in the light for everyone in the world to see.
When we meditate, we are able to see what is really true. We see things clearly and by seeing things clearly, we can then choose the wise response. A division can be an opportunity for more understanding and compassion. All views and sides can be brought into the light to increase our knowledge and thus hopefully a skillful resolution, but this requires high levels of awareness.
Right now it is important to feel all your feelings around the change. It is good to grieve, feel anger, fear, disappointment. It may also feel appropriate to celebrate. The more we can turn towards all our feelings with acceptance and understanding, they will pass. After the emotions pass, we will be much stronger and resilient for the role we have to occupy. There is wood to chop, water to carry, and the work of showing up that needs to be done, but right now your practice is to FEEL and LISTEN.
Resilient Practices:
1) Be with the change
Things change. Emotions change, thoughts change, the breath changes. Leaders are elected and then let go. This is the nature of life, it is always arising and passing. If you hold onto what you would like things to be or push away from what you want, you will suffer and have less freedom for this moment.
2) Feel all your Feelings
What am I feeling when someone brings up a difficult emotion?
What physical sensations am I aware of in my body right now?
What do I need that would support me best?
What is happening for the other person?
What might they need?
3) Practice Radical Self Care
The only way you can be strong and resilient for this larger change and community is to start with you first. This is not being selfish, but rather a way of saying, “I can only take on this much right now.” Are you getting sleep, moving, are you practicing healthy boundaries and saying No or not yet, are you spending time with others you lift you up and can be compassionate?
4) Be mindful of your thoughts
Our thoughts can be very powerful in the stories and “not truth” that arises. If you hear something on the radio or from another person that creates unpleasantness, feel it, but try not to create a story about it or them. See your thought clearly. The truth is that we don’t know what is to come. The real power is to be in this moment. To notice what is happening in this moment and then respond with wise action.
I myself am feeling a whole range of emotions. Hello Fear…. Hello Anger…. Hello Sadness…. Hello Love….I have also been having some pretty whacky thoughts in the mind. I am choosing to see them as what they are….Hello Whacky Thought….
My mantra these days is, “I trust and accept what is now and I am open to what may be.” This helps me to stay in the moment and then I can gather up my power and courage and decide what is the next best step.
The truth for me is that now more than ever I need to stand up for what I believe in. I want to lead myself well so that I can support and lead others well. In my opinion, we all need to do this. We can’t rely on the government to know what is best for us, the planet, or our individual communities, we have to share and voice what we need. We need to inspire our own inner superhero now.
How well do you stand up for what you need?