Inner Radiance is what is unique and true about who you are. There has been a theme in my coaching practice in the past several weeks of owning ones power, being vulnerable, and authentic.
Every one of us has a unique combination of talents, strengths, weaknesses. The make up of each one of us is unique to who we are and therefore allows each of us to have a unique purpose and calling.
I can ONLY be Carley. I can’t be someone else even when my mind moves into comparing how I wish I had this, or why can’t I have this trait, etc. I have my strengths and weaknesses that I am always learning about and working with.
If I can whole heartedly love and accept the many parts of me, I can be more open to everyone on my path and more engaged in my life and purpose. Sounds good right? Lets try moving into our power….
Daily Power Practice
Close your eyes and let your awareness come into your body.
Come home into your body.
Breathing deeply from your belly.
Think of a time when you felt yourself off balance, not centered in the last day or week.
See if you can tune into the emotions that you feel around this (fear, anger, confusion, its all welcome and okay.)
Now ask yourself how old is this part of you? (5, 8 , 15, etc.)
Now open your eyes and shake it off.
Ask yourself, what is the best thing about being your current age as compared to the age that came up?
Now connect to your strength, your talents that you have been cultivating for years.
Feel the many ways that you are a powerful adult.
How do you show up with your loving, strong, and resourceful presence?
Now close your eyes and feel this powerful, wise part of you in your body.
Where do you feel it?
As you move into the rest of your day come back to the wise and strong person that you are.
Connect to this place in your belly and stand from this spot. Yes!
This is a practice I have been working with in the last year and I find it very effective.
Everything in life that we are seeking and that we are wanting to manifest all comes together through relatedness. If we want to manifest an amazing partner, a new opportunity in our profession, a healthy mind and body, all happens from our relationships with one another.
If you are contracted and separate from others, then there is no opening to extend support to you. However, if you are holding your power, walking through life open, extended to other people, then you are able to receive what you need.
Everything you are seeking in life will come to you from the gateway of your relationships. If you aren’t able to feel comfortable in who you are, you can’t connect with those and the greater gifts that are often being bestowed on us by others.
Hold the reigns of your life, take an active role and step forward to claim what you truly want.
With love,